26 EFREET SCHNEID LED EYE (1/100) Melee type

Product no.: AD873
Price excl. tax: ¥25,011
Price (incl. tax): ¥27,512

26 EFREET SCHNEID    LED EYE  (Melee type)

Land battle and melee type

That has the power higher than gufu and the mobility by the promotion output with an expnsive leg.

Model number              MS-08TX/S

The total height             17.2m

The empty  weight        52.8t

The  gross  weight        84.4t

Armor material           Super hard  steel alloy

Basic  output            2,202kw

Thrust                       77,000kg

Painting in progress.......

Reference video  www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18218104
